Attorney Joshua London Defends Clients Facing Domestic Assault Accusations in Minnesota
In Minnesota, domestic violence is any physical, emotional, sexual or other violence that takes place between intimate partners (of all sexual orientations) or between family members. Many Minnesota prosecutors take a hard line in domestic assault cases, making it difficult for some defendants to get a fair shake. It is important to retain a lawyer who will take an aggressive approach in defending your rights. The Minneapolis domestic assault attorneys at London Defense, PLLC have handled hundreds of domestic violence cases across the state and know what it takes to overcome these barriers to achieve a favorable outcome.
If you are facing charges for domestic violence in MN, Contact our Minneapolis domestic assault lawyers today!
What Is Domestic Assault?
Minnesota criminalizes domestic violence through its domestic assault statute.
Domestic assault essentially has two crimes:
- First, committing an act that causes fear of immediate bodily harm or death in a family or household member, and
- Second, intentionally inflicting or attempt to inflict bodily harm upon a family or household member.
This offense is a misdemeanor, but once an individual has one domestic assault conviction it’s possible that subsequent domestic assault charges will be charged as gross misdemeanors or felonies.
Minnesota Domestic Assault Penalties
The following are the penalties you may face for a domestic assault conviction in Minnesota:
- Domestic Assault: up to 90 days in jail and a fine of up to $1,000
- Strangulation or Suffocation: up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000
- Second Offense: up to one year in jail and fine of up to $3,000
- Third or Subsequent Offense: up to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of up to $10,000
Defense for Your Domestic Assault Case in MN
Having a conviction of domestic violence carries not only stiff penalties including jail time but also the loss of rights and privileges such as the right to possess a firearm, and in some states, voting privileges. Moreover, someone who is not a United States citizen may see his or her immigration status changed and deportation may occur. In many cases, the U.S. does not allow violent criminals to have or obtain visas.
If you have been accused of a crime related to domestic violence, you should acquire the help of a Minneapolis domestic assault attorney from London Defense right away. The repercussions can be quite severe, and in spite of what you have heard or even seen on TV, there is little chance of your case being dropped.